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The primary objective of this request for applications is to facilitate the success of early career faculty, engaged in research in the fields of nutrition, obesity, and diabetes at the six participating institutions of SPLENDOR-NC: Duke University, North Carolina A&T State University, North Carolina Central University, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wake Forest University, and Winston-Salem State University.

To support their projects, investigators are strongly encouraged to use one or more of the services offered by the UNC NORC cores and/or the NCDRC cores. We welcome applications intended to generate pilot data that will address reviewers’ comments from recently scored grants.

Proposal Guidelines

The application for 2024 has closed. Information regarding the next funding opportunity will be posted in 2025.

Proposals must be single-spaced and use Arial 11-point font with 0.5” margins. For questions regarding the application process, please see the FAQ section of this website or contact the Program Coordinator at at

≤$10K Proposal Guidelines

≤$50K Proposal Guidelines


Senior post-doctoral fellows or Early Career Faculty in either fixed-term or tenure-track positions at one of the six partnering institutions, who do not have current or past NIH research support as PD/PI of R01, P01, or R24 grants are eligible to apply. Current or past K01 awardees are eligible.