Learn more about SPLENDOR-NC here.
Interested investigators are encouraged to submit separate applications to both the Scholars Program and the P&F Program in the same application cycle.
Scholars Program FAQs
How will my participation in the Scholars Program be acknowledged?
The SPLENDOR-NC Scholars Program admission process is competitive. Upon acceptance into the Program, scholars will receive an award letter and a copy will be sent to institutional officials of the scholar’s choosing. Upon completion of the Program, scholars will receive a certificate of completion and a copy will also be sent to institutional officials of the scholar’s choosing. The SPLENDOR-NC Program Coordinator will provide scholars with approved language for inclusion on the scholar’s CV, resume, personal and/or institutional website, etc. In addition, the Program Coordinator will work with each scholar to develop a biographical profile on the SPLENDOR-NC website, and the Program Coordinator will work with the communications team at each scholar’s institution to promote and highlight the scholar’s participation in the Program.
Do participants in the Scholars Program receive Pilot and Feasibility Program funding?
Interested investigators are encouraged to submit separate applications to both the Scholars Program and the P&F Program in the same application cycle.
Pilot and Feasibility Program FAQs
Can applicants apply to both a $10K award and a $50K award at the same time, and if so, can they be awarded both at the same time?
Yes, applicants can apply to both, though they can only be awarded one at a time. The SPLENDOR-NC P&F Program Subcommittee will provide funding recommendations to the Executive Committee for final programmatic decisions and approval of budget.
Are investigators with current or past P&F Program funding through the UNC NORC or the NCDRC eligible for a SPLENDOR-NC pilot award or the Scholars Program?
Yes, investigators with current or past funding through the UNC NORC or NCDRC Pilot and Feasibility Program’s are eligible for both a SPLENDOR-NC pilot award and the Scholars Program.
Are P&F awardees allowed to use P&F funds for PI salary to support course release?
Yes, if needed, awardees can use a portion of a $10K or $50K award for course buyout with appropriate rationale in the budget justification, which should state clearly how the awardee will use the released time to complete the proposed research and, if relevant, demonstrate evidence of additional funding for the proposed research. A letter of support from the applicant’s Chair is required for course buyout requests, and should provide the department/institutional policy on the costs associated with course buyouts. The remaining awarded funds must be used for allowable research-related expenses.
If awarded a $50K award, can an awardee reapply for a $50K award in a later year?
Applicants can only be awarded one $50K award from SPLENDOR-NC, though they are eligible to apply for and be awarded a subsequent $10K award.
If awarded a $10K award, can an applicant reapply to a $50K or a $10K award in a later year?
Yes, though preference will be given to first-time awardees.
Can awardees use a portion of a $10K award for PI salary to support course release?
Yes, awardees may use a portion of the award for salary to support course release, with appropriate justification and a letter of support (see above).
How will P&F proposals be reviewed?
At least two reviewers will be asked to provide a score using the NIH scoring system (1-9) and brief comments in the following categories: overall impact, significance, investigator, innovation, and approach. Reviewers will be asked to submit their reviews within two weeks of receipt of the P&F proposals. The SPLENDOR-NC P&F Program Subcommittee will then provide funding recommendations to the Executive Committee for final programmatic decisions and approval of budget.